You’ve no doubt seen or even bought ginger tea in the supermarket or grocery store. And it’s a wonderfully warming drink no matter what form you consume it in. But there is nothing better than the real thing, made at home with fresh ginger root. Much of the flavor is lost when ginger is dehydrated and packaged into a tiny teabag then kept on the shelves for months. Fresh ginger will give you that extra zing and create a flavor explosion in your mouth. Once you taste your home-brewed beverage, you’ll never go back to store-bought again.
And it has numerous benefits for your health too. Ginger has been known to relieve symptoms like nausea, constipation, and bloating.
Ginger tea is quick and easy for anyone to make at home, and all you need are a few simple ingredients and tools. The following guide outlines the best, and easiest, way to make your own ginger tea.
What you need
- A fresh ginger root
- Water
- Extra ingredients for taste, e.g. honey, lemon, lime
- A sharp knife or peeler
- A small saucepan
- A sieve or strainer
How much ginger do you need for one cup of tea?
The exact amount of ginger you need for a single cup of tea depends on how strong you like it. If you're unsure, a sensible guideline to follow is a one-inch piece of ginger root per cup. But feel free to adjust this amount if you feel it is too weak or too strong for you.
Do you have to peel ginger before making tea?

The first step to making your very own ginger tea is to prepare the fresh ginger root. The root is covered with a thin, brown, papery skin that doesn’t contain any flavor and is of an unpleasant texture. Therefore, you will need to peel the ginger before you begin. Because ginger roots are usually unevenly-shaped, peeling can be quite awkward at first, but over time you will get used to it.
The best way to peel ginger is to first use a knife to chop off exactly the amount you need. Now you should carefully use a sharp knife, a peeler, or even the edge of a spoon, to gently peel away the outer layer, revealing the bright, golden ginger beneath. Because the skin is so thin, you should be careful to only peel away a thin layer to prevent waste. It’s important to note that you should only peel the ginger you plan on using right away. Fresh ginger will keep much better with the skin on and can be stored in the fridge for up to three weeks. If you plan on keeping it for longer, an alternative solution is to peel the root and freeze it for future use.
Once you have a fully-peeled knob of ginger, the next step is to slice it thinly. This maximizes the surface area of the ginger to ensure a pungent, flavorsome tea.
How long should you boil ginger for tea?
Now that you have peeled and sliced your ginger root, it’s time to start brewing. Add the ginger to a saucepan and pour two cups of water over it. This is more water than you will need for a single cup, but some of it will escape as steam and some will be absorbed by the ginger during the process. Turn your stove up to medium-high and bring to a boil for at least ten minutes. For a stronger, tangier tea, feel free to leave the water to boil for longer.
How long should you steep ginger for tea?
Once the ginger has boiled for at least ten minutes, it is technically ready to drink. But you will get so much more flavor from the ingredients if you allow it to steep longer.. This means leaving the ginger to soak in the hot water, releasing its flavors and aromas into the golden liquid. Naturally, the longer you leave your ginger to steep, the more flavourful your tea will be. Five minutes is sufficient if you plan to drink the tea right away, but if you are making a batch for later, it can be worthwhile to steep it for an hour. Your tea will taste phenomenal as a result, and it can be easily reheated on the stove to bring it back up to the correct temperature.
How to store ginger root tea
If you have made a large batch of ginger root tea, it is perfectly possible to store it and save it for later. If properly stored, fresh tea will keep for up to a month in the refrigerator or about a year in the freezer. Before storing, ensure it is in a sealed, airtight container such as a stoppered bottle or a jug with a lid. And when you wish to drink it again, simply pour it into a saucepan and reheat until piping hot.
What's the best time to drink ginger tea?
There is no right or wrong time to drink ginger tea, and it can be enjoyed at any time of year, day or night. Fresh ginger is a pungent flavor, so is a great way to wake you up in the morning without the assistance of caffeine. Additionally, it is also a great way to unwind and relax after a stressful day at work. Ginger gives you a pleasant warming feeling in your stomach which can be hugely welcome on a chilly winter afternoon.
How to prepare green tea with lemon and ginger

Green tea with lemon and ginger offers all the benefits of ginger tea with the added health aspects of green tea. Preparation is similar, and all you need to do is add green tea leaves and sliced lemons to the mix when boiling your ginger root.
Visit Tea India
If you don’t have the time to make a fresh pot of ginger tea every day, there are several loose-leaf and bagged teas that can be just as beneficial. Browse our website at Tea India to explore the vast range of different teas available.